Monday, May 13, 2013

4 months in france! wow!


So I've been in France for almost 4 months now and It's been a blast. Being here has taught me many things and I'll never regret coming.

Out of all of my classes French language class has been the hardest....again. Sadly they don't have tutors here but I have been offered help from the staff and my friends. If you ever need help never be afraid to ask. Languages like math and science are very difficult for me because they are very technical. It's been a struggle but not as stressful as when I was taking French in the Fall. French is a hard language too (sometimes I wonder if I should have taken spanish *shrugs shoulders*). I just remind myslef that "this too shall pass" and to just keep on truding; don't give up. That moto's worked pretty well so far.

I'm more sad about going home because I have to take math in the summer but I'm ready. I've been gone for awhile and I miss cali, my fam, in n out, sushi, movies, my tele shows etc. Plus my scanner! It's really hard to try and post your artwork on line and still have it look good without a scanner. Also I wouldn't mind having acess to the rest of my art supplies.

Oh! When I go back to school next year I have an appartment! I have a student who is in my major/friend/she is also autistic. She has aspergers syndrome; mild enough to function at college but she gets stressed easily so I'm hoping that by rooming with her I'll be able to help her relax more and open up a bit. She's a very talented wonderful girl and I am very excited to have her as a roommate. AUTISM GIRL POWER UNITE!

Again if you have any questions feel free to ask.


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