Thursday, August 9, 2012

Patience and Understanding

Hey again sorry I've been gone for a bit, I've been working for my Mom and Dad this summer plus there are some other chaos and fun times going around. So I've been thinking instead of doing a structured blog I think I'll just wing it, whatever comes to mind about autism. Also I'll probably have some family members be guest bloggers and have them relate their experiances. I think it will be a valuable benifit to have other peoples points of view. Also what they say might contradict what I say memory wise, it's a little hard to remember what you were like when you were three.

So today I'm gonna talk about a personal experiance that just happened. and it has to do with...


My sister is getting married and there are some events going on before the wedding. My Dad was explaining the schedule to me but I didn't understand. He tried again and then my brother tried to explain it to me saying the exact same thing. I still didnt get it. Then my sister-in-law tried to explain it ( third times the charm) but the way she explained it was by what outfits I needed to wear and then I finally understood.
And then of course I forgot again ( it was a complicated schedule) and I texted my dad and asked. He texted me but I didnt understand the text message so I called him and he started getting angry that I still didnt get it and then my mom came to the rescue and had him tell her what was going on. She had to explain to him that sometimes I just don't get certain things. You can repeat it all you want but I still wont get it. So then my mom explained it to me slowly and more simply so I understood.

with my sister-in-lawI think I understood it that time because I could imagine the outfits I had to wear and I couldn't understand the technicality in which my dad and brother were explaining it. It may go differently for other people. What I'm trying to say though is that if your trying to do a task, explain something, or whatever try doing it a different way. Odds are that they do get it, it's just that they dont understand the way your explaining it. So please be paitent and try to understand that when you get fustrated we get fustrated and upset too. This isn't the first time it's happened to me either. It's really embarassing and fustrating when this happens with friends. I nod anyways with a blank stare and say that I understood when I really because I was embarassed and felt bad. What I SHOULD have done was asked them to explain it again but differently maybe in a more verbaly visual way that I could comprehend.

Sometimes it can be a simple thing but to us it's complictaed!! So please just be calm, paitent and try to understand.

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