While the title may say "the beginning" it is and it isn't. It's not because this doesn't start when I was born, But it is the beginning because at age three I was diagnosed with mild Autisim and medium OCD.
Autisim does not run in my family, there's no known cause but there is the theory that my dad being 12 years older than my mom didn't help. Just a theory, this is not a known fact. Anyways I was diagnosed when I was three. I went to lots of therapy sessions for speech, physical therapy, and other things I can't recall. I wasn't fully aware I was autistic till my mom called me into the kitchen to show me a newspaper article about a boy that helps take care of his younger sister who has autisim. I asked how that related to me and my mom said, "Because it's like that with you and you brother because your autistic". That's probably not word for word but when she said that I didn't really believe her, she told me I was mildly autistic not like the girl in the newspaper who was more severe than I was. This happened when I was probably 7 or 8. I don't know if she told me I was autistic before that because If she did I either wasn't paying attention or didn't remember. After that I thought about it. I didn't feel any different, was I supposed to? I didn't see how being autistic affected me or my life. The more I think about it the more I realise how it did affect my life. I asked her how am I autistic and she told me about all the therapy sessions and the usual syptoms that indicated I was autistic.
to be continued...